

86 search results


These 11 Habits Have Changed My Life

Mark Vletter
31 May 2023
Many of life’s most precious resources are scarce. For me, the two most scarce and valuable resources are my time and my energy. That energy includes both my headspace and my being present in the moment. Because time and energy are so valuable to me, I want to spend them well. And I imagine you...

7 Lessons from ‘Working Backwards’ by Amazon

Mark Vletter
15 Nov 2022
My goal when reading is learning. I learn a little by reading, I learn more by doing, and I learn most by reflecting on the experience I had while doing. That means this book review is not a summary of the book, but a “Top 7” of the most important things you can learn from...

AI and I Part 1: The Robot Ate My Blog

Alex Sudheim
19 Jul 2023
Welcome to the first in a 2-part series dealing with what will almost certainly come to be seen as a defining feature of our age: the rise of artificial intelligence. While AI is hardly a bolt from the blue – the term was coined in 1955 – the release of ChatGPT by Open AI just...

Review: The best headsets with good microphones in 2023

Mark Vletter
26 Jan 2023
Let me get straight to the point: stop using the built-in laptop microphone during meetings and video calls. Poor sound quality is one of the most annoying problems during a (video) call. You are usually not bothered by it, but your conversation partners are. Fortunately, this problem is easily solved with a good headset. I...

Framework: the perfect laptop for business use?

Mark Vletter
7 Nov 2022
While desktop computers are easy to repair and upgrade, laptops have always been complicated. Despite rapid technological advancements, the ease with which you can repair laptops has actually deteriorated. Has Framework come to the rescue? Please note: Framework currently ships only to the US and Europe. We’ll have to wait a while until supply can meet...

Updating your Voys details

If you want to update your business details, signatory details or banking details, just fill in the form below and we’ll get things rolling for you. If you encounter any problems, don’t hesitate to call us at 021 012 5000.  

We need to talk about AI and productivity

19 Apr 2023
You hear and read about AI (Artificial Intelligence) everywhere. About children letting AI do their homework; about AI-generated art based on existing work by artists and about computer code written by AI. Tools and companies such as OpenAI, Midjourney and of course ChatGPT probably also sound familiar to you. This piece is not about the...

Add structure to Notion: this is how you make information in your company easy to find

Mark Vletter
10 Oct 2022
In this final instalment of a three-part series, Voys founder Mark Vletter concludes his reflection upon our adoption of Notion as our knowledge and project management tool. Part 1 deals with why we chose Notion as our knowledge base and how we created our culture of knowledge management; Part 2 is a practical guide on how to...