

86 search results


Leaders with luck

Mark Vletter
8 Feb 2023
A while ago I found the email below in my inbox. “Every January, Thinkers50, the world’s most reliable resource for identifying, ranking, and sharing the leading management ideas of our age, announces 30 thinkers to watch in the coming year. We are delighted to inform you that you have been selected for the 2023 Thinkers50...

The Seven Slick Secrets to Content Marketing Supremacy: Part 1

Alex Sudheim
28 Feb 2022
The Big Bang So, you’re the founder and CEO of Voys, South Africa’s most highly rated VoIP provider. When you started the company, your purpose was to establish a new standard of excellence in customer service. You envisioned a South Africa where people can expect – and receive – excellent service from organisations and hold...

Seeing Is Believing

Alex Sudheim
7 Feb 2023
That maxim has never been more applicable than in our helter-skelter age of tech wizardry and its blizzard of bewildering terminology we barely have time to acknowledge, let alone fully comprehend.  Which is why a simple demonstration of what tech can do for you remains the most effective way to master it and make it...

COVID-19: Every cloud has a silver lining

COVID-19 is forcing us to re-imagine our economic landscape. From musicians live streaming their performances, to doctors consulting online. Businesses should embrace the current climate as an opportunity to evolve the way organisations are structured.

6 Quick tips for working remotely from the Seychelles

At some stage or another, we’ve all sat in the office while daydreaming about visiting some remote destination. Sadly, however, for most of us the realities and time constraints related to modern life seldom afford us this chance, unless we can somehow merge traveling with our professional life. The good news is, with the rapid...

Up Up & Away! Our 2022 in Review

Alex Sudheim
22 Dec 2022
Once more we’ve soldiered steadfastly to the close of another year. To say it’s been a helter-skelter one – both in the republic and across the planet – would be the understatement of, well, the year. So we’ll spare you the platitudes and cut straight to the chase.  Going Global Since the outset of the...

Ask your customers – they know your brand better than you do

Shaping a brand is a curious journey of discovery, paradoxically layered by excitement and anxiety. Somehow, it takes me back to those awkward teen years. Navigating through a minefield of insecurities, yet ruthlessly fuelled by a perpetual dose of starry-eyed optimism. Like using theories on branding, to cure teenage angst. One starts delving deep into...

Unleash the Power of Integration

Alex Sudheim
1 Dec 2022
If, as per the old adage, two heads are better than one, then two tools are better than one. It seems pretty obvious when you think about it: the hammer on its own won’t move your carpentry project forward, and neither will the nail. The two need to work together to get the job done....