

87 search results


What is VoIP

VoIP is an acronym of Voice over Internet Protocol and it simply means calling over a data network i.e. the internet. Calling over a data network (internet connection) has some great advantages. Flexibility and savings of 30 to 60% on operational telephone costs are generally seen as the most important benefits. Voys, your gateway to VoIP…


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Hosted PBX

Dial out with your business number and toggle your presence on the go. That’s Freedom! Whether you're calling your clients from your office, your home, your favourite coffee shop or while climbing Table Mountain, you're always using your business number. This affords your business maximum mobility and professionalism.

These 11 Habits Have Changed My Life

Mark Vletter
31 May 2023
Many of life’s most precious resources are scarce. For me, the two most scarce and valuable resources are my time and my energy. That energy includes both my headspace and my being present in the moment. Because time and energy are so valuable to me, I want to spend them well. And I imagine you...

This is why AI is not going to replace humans

10 May 2023
“AI will replace humans” is a popular headline you have probably seen regularly in recent months. Is that really the case and should you fear for your job? The short answer to those questions is: no. In this piece I explain why. 1. Most types of work don’t get a productivity boost from AI In...

Work Remotely Landing Page

With your company's phone system in the cloud, colleagues can serve clients from multiple locations using one number. Make and take calls wherever you are. Start working remotely today.