

87 search results


7 Lessons from ‘Working Backwards’ by Amazon

Mark Vletter
15 Nov 2022
My goal when reading is learning. I learn a little by reading, I learn more by doing, and I learn most by reflecting on the experience I had while doing. That means this book review is not a summary of the book, but a “Top 7” of the most important things you can learn from...


Saturday 07/09/2024 17.30: The problems with the Voys App on iOS doesn't seem to be fixed for everyone. Not all calls are delivered when the screen is off. Are you having problems with the Vialer App (iOS)? Our advice is to update the app to the latest version. If you are still experiencing problems after…

How to choose the best tool for successful and scalable knowledge management

Mark Vletter
16 Sep 2022
Mark is a rebel with a cause according to some. An eccentric lunatic and business hippie according to others. We know him as the founder of Voys. Here he reflects on 15 years of learning to build a second brain for organizations. This has been the hidden success factor of companies like WordPress, Gitlab and...

The primary fallacies of “the AI dilemma”

17 May 2023
Social media contains a host of negative effects. Think addiction, disinformation and polarisation. There is also a debate about where to draw the line between censorship and freedom of speech. Tristan Harris, among others, addressed these topics in the Emmy-winning Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma. Fundamental thinking errors Along with Aza Raskin, Harris recently gave...

Voys App

A complete business phone system in your pocket. Available download for Android and iOS. Hello from Voys, where innovation meets convenience with our robust VoIP App—a complete business phone system in the palm of your hand. Available for both Android and iOS devices, our App empowers you to stay connected and productive from anywhere, and…

Building an information organisation

Mark Vletter
9 Nov 2023
Voys founder, Mark Vletter, shares his insights in how he built and information organisation at Voys. Do you enjoy reading Mark’s articles? Sign up for his founder’s newsletter now and stay up to date with his latest writings. We live in an amazing time where communication and information can be equally available to everybody in the organisation....

What is VoIP

VoIP is an acronym of Voice over Internet Protocol and it simply means calling over a data network i.e. the internet. Calling over a data network (internet connection) has some great advantages. Flexibility and savings of 30 to 60% on operational telephone costs are generally seen as the most important benefits.   What is VoIP in…